fully equipped professional recording studio, based in sheffield, england.

A few things to think about before coming in...

As a band

  1. * When you book time with me please show up on time and ready to work.

  2. * Come in with a positive attitude, bad vibes aren’t creative and is something that carry’s over into the music you record. If you come in with a bad attitude chances are the songs aren’t going to be where you want them.

  3. * Please don’t bring all of your friends and family with you. This is a place to escape from everyone and everything to focus on the goal at hand which we all know is to capture the best vibe possible for whatever it is you are working on so at the end of the day everyone is happy with the final product.

  4. * Bring your money! I ask for a 50% deposit 7 days prior to coming into the studio and the other 50% on the day you enter the studio. I expect to get paid just like you expect to have your songs. Failure to pay means nothing further will happen nor will any songs be sent out. If no payment is made within 30 days the project completing the project will be deleted.

  5. * Make sure everything you are planning to use on the record is in good working condition and has new heads, strings, tubes (changing your tubes are not fully necessary and if so please make sure they are broken in. About 10-15 hours of play with break them in nicely.), etc.

  6. * Make sure you know your parts and can play them. Punching in and overdubbing can kill the vibe of the song. Studio trickery can only cover up so much.

  7. * Know what keys your songs are in. It makes everyone’s life easier.

  8. Drums

  9. * Before coming into the studio sit down and actually listen to your drum parts in relation to the song.

  10. * Make sure you can play what you have written, why write something you can’t play live?

  11. * Click Tracks: Please know how to play to one and know your tempos

  12. * Old drumheads sound bad. Please buy enough drum heads to last you you’re whole session. If you are recording more than 5 songs please bring two sets of heads.


  1. * Make sure you are using a heavier set of strings and a little bit of a lighter pick. This will keep your guitar in-tune better.

  2. * Please get your guitar set up before you come in to track guitar or bass. Intonation is important if you want your guitar to sound in-tune across your whole fret board. is based next door to the studio and can do you a great set up for a small fee!

  3. * If you have active pickups or are planning on using any pedals make sure you bring a couple extra 9volt batteries with you.

  4. * Practice, practice, practice. Know your parts, its always that one part that you think will be so simple to record that becomes your biggest nightmare. Make sure you can play your parts in your sleep. The more confident you are in your ability to play something the better it will sound.


  1. * Rehearse your parts, harmonies, and any other ideas. Don’t walk in close-minded.

  2. * Make sure you can sing what you write. Why have to struggle to put on a good live show because you wrote a melody you couldn’t even hit in the studio when you aren’t jumping around on stage.

  3. * Make sure you write your breaths. Make sure you plan out breathing spots so you can sing the whole song flawlessly.

  4. * Make sure you are taking care of your voice during the session and at all times for that matter. I don’t think a singer should change their ways in the studio to make sure their voice is being protected, in fact I think it hurts your voice because you are changing your chemical makeup and your body will react by over compensating for what it doesn’t have. If you smoke, I suggest you still smoke, maybe cut back a little prior to entering the studio. Get rest, drink lots of water, and try not to overly exert your voice. The overall worst thing a singer can do is work themselves up about getting into the studio. Just relax and have a good time.

  5. * Lastly, print out multiple copies of your lyrics, BPM & Time changes, and key of song.